Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk is complete and balanced nutrition for your puppies, so they remain healthy and happy every day. Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk is highly digestible dry dog food. It is highly nutritious and dogs love it's taste. Your little furball will especially love this food for puppies which is tasty as well as nourishing, giving them 100% satisfaction. Chappi dog food is delicious with chicken and milk flavor and does not contain any artificial colorants to give your friend hearty wholesomeness. Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk is formulated to meet or surpass the nutritional levels that are necessary for the healthy development and growth for all dog breeds. It is a tailor-made formulation of dog food which embraces the daily needs of small dogs. Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk has high protein, calcium and phosphorus content which are extremely necessary for strong bones and teeth. Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk is suitable for all breed dogs of upto 1 year including Pugs, Beagle to Labrador, Golden Retriever & German shepherd. It is made with premium quality ingredients which helps maintain the dog's lean muscle mass, healthy skin and shiny coat. Chappi Puppy Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Milk contains a well balanced mix of carbohydrate, protein and fat to boost performance, energy and body power. It overall promotes healthy body functions and it is a complete and balanced food for puppies.