Biogroom So-Dirty Deep Cleansing Dog Bathing Shampoo is recommended by top pet breeders and professional pet groomers worldwide. All-natural, since 1971, Biogroom has believed in bringing naturally mild skin and coat care to all pets. If you have a stinky and dirty dog, So-Dirty is the shampoo for you. The pet shampoo includes goodness from Aloe Vera, Soy Protein, Wheat Germ Oil, and Matricaria Chamomilla. Each biodegradable ingredient included in pet bathing shampoo has medical benefits. The dog grooming shampoo will not just clean the coat but will also soften it.
➤Suitable for dogs
➤Neutral pH level
➤Concentrated 8:1
➤Cruelty-Free – Sulfate Free
➤Free of Parabens and artificial thickeners
➤Safe to use with topical Flea & Tick treatments
➤All the ingredients used are 100 % Biodegradable