We’re obsessed with every ingredient in our ACANA™ dog food recipes, ensuring each one delights your dog with flavor and nutrition. That’s why our ACANA Puppy dry dog food recipe is carefully crafted to help nurture the needs of your growing puppy, including brain development and muscle & bone development, and a smaller kibble size perfect for growing mouths. This puppy dog food is balanced with 65% protein-rich animal ingredients1 like free-run1 chicken and turkey, raw flounder and fresh eggs, and 35% wholesome vegetables, fruit and nutrients3. Our ACANA puppy dog food recipe will have them feeling so good on the inside, you’ll see it on the outside!
- For puppies weighing 9-25 kgs at maturity
- 70% Protein content, 30% botanicals
- Grain-free - 0% grains, potato, tapioca
- 2/3rd of the meat is dehydrated without preservatives
- 1/3rd of the meat is fresh without preservatives
- Nutrient-dense Whole Prey Ratios
- Formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles
- Made in Canada
Ingredients: Fresh chicken meat (16%), chicken meal (13%), turkey meal (13%), red lentils, whole green peas, fresh chicken giblets (liver, heart, kidney) (6%), chicken fat (6%), fresh whole eggs (4%), fresh whole flounder (4%), herring meal (3%), herring oil (3%), sun-cured alfalfa (2%), green lentils, field beans (2%), whole yellow peas, pea fibre, fresh chicken cartilage (2%), dried brown kelp, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole parsnips, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh mustard greens, fresh turnip greens, fresh whole carrots, fresh red delicious apples, fresh Bartlett pears, freeze-dried chicken liver, freeze-dried turkey liver, fresh whole cranberries, fresh whole blueberries, chicory root, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rose hips. Supplements Zinc chelate. Vitamin E (preservative).
- Consult a vet before altering your pet's diet
- Always have fresh water available for your pet
- Never exceed recommended feeding quantities unless prescribed by a vet